Corion Enterprises is proud to share “Project Recovery," a white paper that Corion co-authored in collaboration with members of ULI, USC and UCLA.
It is time to face the music. The CRE tune has slowed considerably since the beginning of the year as the anticipation of several rate cuts have been quelched. Is it time to dance to a new tune, change partners, or exit the floor?
At the Office or In Minerva? No longer a binary being, the office must reboot to be a place that fosters knowledge, wisdom, virtue, justice, victory, arts, trade, strategy and more across the entire spectrum of human pursuits and needs. One of the places you do work, but also do life.
One of the great sayings credited to Yogi Berra, the great New York Yankee Hall of Fame catcher, is “if you come to a fork in the road, take it.” With the “Great Wait” coming to an end soon and the proverbial fork in the road approaches, what will you do?
10 predictions for what could be an exciting 2024
Explore the impact of rising interest rates and shifting space utilization on the commercial real estate industry in 2023. In this cautious environment, the CRE industry is reevaluating its strategies. Learn how to navigate the current challenges and create future success and impact alpha.
Parallels to the ecosystem of the Serengeti can be used to help time the CRE market and survive its current life cycle. Guided by the CRE watch, explore the impact of rising interest rates, discover investment strategies, why preparation is vital in turbulent times, and how to thrive amidst economic challenges.
Gov Polis presents the kickoff of Glo Park to be the future of energy innovation to reduce carbon emissions and help sustain the future of the planet.
Office buildings must adapt and survive as humans have when faced with an Extinction Level Event. How a commercial office space specific vaccine can help survival and IMPACT ALPHA
Corion Properties Is Proud to Announce the Completion of Record Sale 433-Acre Inland Empire West Land
Office as space is in vast over supply and rapidly becoming functionally obsolete. Office as an experience will make the CASE to IMPACT ALPHA for Office NextGen.
As Joey Logano claims his second NASCAR Cup Series Championship victory, the second stage of the EIR Process for the 6.6 million square foot ACS Logistics Center, being developed by NASCAR & Hillwood, achieved approval by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors last week with a 6-0 vote.
Glo Park is an example of what Corion can do that is truly unique to other service providers. Our visionary development skills and insights coupled with deep expertise in real estate strategy, operational performance and both institutional and private capital transactions make what may seem impossible, eminently possible.
Why being a realist in current economic times is better than being an optimist to survive and preserve equity to thrive in the aftermath and the action plan to take to continue to IMPACT ALPHA
Considering current events, how to use Insight to understand opportunities and key measurements for success, turning the pain of uncertainty into the gain of alpha value.
Stage 1 of the entitlement approval process for the historic transformation of a 530 acre racetrack site in the Inland Empire West has successfully been completed, how we created alpha valule.
Fred Cordova and Corion Enterprises Drive Alpha Results in The Commercial Real Estate Space. Fred joins other leaders, trailblazers, and thought leaders interviewed for the popular DotCom Magazine Show.
How a private broker seamlessly teamed with a public brokerage company to Impact Alpha and drive the best results for the client.
We are excited to work with the Newmark Capital Markets team as exclusive advisors to bring to market the opportunity to acquire 1355 San Pablo (the Property), a 75,272-rentable-square-foot, four-story, life science lab building in Los Angeles, California.
Owners and lenders are finding that hiring a highly skilled and experienced boutique advisor who can team with a major brand may optimize results.
As new ways of living go from temporary to more permanent the models used to evaluate, underwrite and design commercial real estate must change as well.
How 2021 will feel like the flight of a butterfly rather than that of a migratory bird, and how to make the best of it.
An approach to assets affected by Covid-19 using the golden rule of real estate.
Introduction to the Corion Property Evaluation Model, a unique and proprietary analytical model designed to preserve equity and maximize commercial property assets
How strategic portfolio optimization can enable investors to preserve equity and thrive in a post Covid world.
Insights on modernizing functionally obsolete office buildings
Thoughts on excellent white paper by my friend Christopher Rising on the future of office