Founded in 1993 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, SHARE! has grown into a thriving organization with a budget exceeding $5 million. They proudly employ more than 65 individuals with lived experience in mental health and substance abuse recovery and engage the efforts of over 4,000 dedicated volunteers. SHARE! is guided by an independent Board of Directors committed to our mission. Corion's very own Fred Cordova is the foundation's active Board President.
SHARE!, the Self-Help and Recovery Exchange, serves as a vibrant community hub dedicated to fostering connection, growth, and recovery. Each week, they host over 100 self-help support group meetings, welcoming more than 5,000 participants every month.
ULI is the oldest and largest network of cross-disciplinary real estate and land use experts in the world. ULI is its members. Through our members' dedication to the mission and their shared expertise, the Institute has been able to set standards of excellence in development practice.
Cystic fibrosis is a progressive, genetic disease that causes a thick buildup of mucus in the lungs, pancreas, and other organs and affects people of every racial and ethnic group. In the lungs, mucus clogs the airways and traps bacteria, leading to infections, extensive lung damage, and respiratory failure. While many people with CF have seen transformations in their health because of existing therapies, there are still others who do not benefit, either because they cannot tolerate them, or their specific genetic mutations will not respond.
People living with the disease can face significant challenges, including frequent hospitalizations, complications, and treatment plans that can take multiple hours a day. And many children and adults with CF still face the sobering prospect of a shortened life span.
The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with CF the opportunity to lead long, fulfilling lives by funding research and drug development, partnering with the CF community, and advancing high-quality, specialized care.
They are driven by a dream that one day every person with cystic fibrosis will have the chance to live a long, healthy life. Recognized globally, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has led the way in the fight against cystic fibrosis, fueling extraordinary medical and scientific progress.
Their vision is a cure for every person with cystic fibrosis and a life free from the burden of this disease. They will not leave anyone behind. You are an important part of our progress.